Class Level System
Starting at ages 8+
Parkour Class Levels
Each class level offers new skills, challenges, and progressions.
Beginner Parkour
Beg. I (Level 1) - Safety and Foundation. All students, new and experienced may take this class.
Beg. II (Level 2) - Foundation & Strength. Increasing distance on some level 1 techniques and adding new strength focused parkour movements.
Intermediate Parkour
Int. I (Level 3) - Intermediate Techniques & Flow. Introducing some of the more challenging parkour techniques and learning how to string movements together fluidly.
Int. II (Level 4) - Application & Strength. Learning to take existing movements and combining them for new moves with various situations. They will generally involve more strength focused techniques.
Advanced Parkour
Adv. I (Level 5) - Speed & Combination. Move faster and combine moves in new and challenging ways.
Adv. II (Level 6) - Power & Strength. Adding more power, height, and distance to the movements. More endurance and challenges will be presented.
Expert Parkour
How to: Level Up!
Each class level has a set of movement skills. These skills are posted in the gym.
Once a student has learned the skills in the class level they are eligible to move to a higher class.
Main ways for leveling up:
Instructor Testing
Performed during an Open Gym, the test will consist of asking the student to demonstrate a set of parkour skills. See the level testing rules posted in the gym.
A student passes to the next level if they are able to demonstrate all moves successfully.
Instructor Approval
Alternatively, we may "bump" existing students to the next level if coaches feel they are ready based on the student's existing skills, maturity, and/or class focus.
Skills List:
Beginner Parkour
Parkour Roll
Balance on beam (16 ft.)
Bear Crawl (16 ft.)
Safety Mount
Precision (4 ft.)
Take-off: Broad Jump
Take-off: Running
Landing: Range of Motion (ROM)
Landing: Tap Out
Lateral Tac
Wall Climb (4 ft.)
Topout: Safety
Speed Lazy
360 Underbar
Penny Drop
Flips Class Levels
Flips offers a different level progression system compared to parkour. Where parkour is focused on efficient movement aiming to overcome obstacles, flip classes uses obstacles to work on rotations, twists, spins, and… flips!
Passing into higher flips level is the same. Ask an instructor to test or ask for instructor approval. Below we list the requirements for leveling up.
Beginner Flips
To pass into the next class level, a student should demonstrate the following:
Flips - Be able to land a basic front, side, and back flip onto a flat mat.
Freerunning - Be able to perform a cartwheel, carnival, and palmspin.
Strength - Be able to hold a 1 minute wall assisted handstand and a dead hang on a bar.
Intermediate Flips
To pass into the next class level, a student should demonstrate the following:
Flips - Be able to land a basic front, side, and back flip landing on flat ground without a mat.
Strength - Be able to hold a 1 minute 15 second wall assisted handstand, 30 second unassisted handstand, and a 2 minute dead hang on a bar.
Advanced Flips