📅 Saturday, January 4th
🕙 2pm - 5pm

Skills Event

1 Event. 2 Hours. 5 Challenges.

Test Your Skills

See how far you’ve progressed with your parkour training. Difficulties will range from Beginner to Advanced practitioners. All skills welcome!

5 Challenges

You will be presented with five challenges around the gym. Each challenge will offer 6 levels of difficulties. Test your skills.

Level Up!

Each difficulty will correspond with our class level system. Pass all difficulty 1 challenges? You’ve graduated to our Beginner Parkour II classes!


Unlike other comps, no season pass is needed. Simply purchase your comp ticket!
Need a team name? Join us! We are Parkour Tualatin!

Early Bird Ticket Price

Regular Price: $25* / $35
Member Price: $15* / $25

When purchasing your ticket by 12/29/24.


Community Gathering
The competition will be a way to bring communities together in one place. To encourage each other, have fun, and build each other up as a community!

Skill Progression
This competition will give our students a chance to level up onto the next class level. It will also highlight what of their training may need more focus.

Comps are fun! Let’s have more fun together.

Nothing like friendly competition! Use your friends and community to encourage yourself to grow stronger and do better!

Additional Info

  • Part of competing is to have a group to challenge your skills against! While everyone will competing on the same challenges and difficulties, you will be placed into a division of your peers.

    Division Breakdown:

    Ages 6-9
    Ages 10-12
    Ages 13-17
    Ages 18+
    Ages 35+
    *None - Just for Fun

    There is flexibility some of these divisions. If you meet more than one division criteria, enter the division of your choice.

    *No Division (“None”):
    This means you’re just here to enjoy the challenges. We will not match you against your peers, and you will not be eligible for awards.

  • A team must have at least 5 people representing in order to compete as a team.

    We will average your team member’s score into one team score.

  • Our award ceremony will celebrate the top 3 (Bronze, Silver, Gold) competitors in each division.

  • There are no returns or refunds for this competition.

    If you are unable to attend, we can apply your payment as account credit to be used at another time.

  • Spectators, wear warm clothing! Participants, warm up well right before the comp.

    Generally inclement weather doesn’t hit Oregon until end of January.

    In the event weather causes a cancellation, we will reschedule to the nearest available date.

Competition Timeline

Open Gym
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Attend for extra warm-ups. Open Gym fees apply.

2:00pm - 2:30pm
-- Check in and Warm Ups
Staff will be setting up the challenges at this time

Skills Comp
2:30pm - 3:00pm --   🗒Explanation of Challenges🗒
3:00pm - 5:00pm  --  Skills Competition
5:00pm - 5:30pm -- 🏅Awards🏅

5:30pm - 6:30pm -- Open Gym Jam
Celebrate a fun day!

Seating & Spectators

Seating will be VERY limited. No bleachers this time.

Only 20 chairs and some extra blocks. Prepare to stand!


Waivers are needed for all participants. We recommend completing ahead of time.


Comp Prep Workshop [CANCELLED]
📅 Sunday, December 22nd
🕙 3:30pm - 5:30pm

This workshop is designed to help athletes approach competitions with confidence, strategy, and skill. Seasoned competitive coaches provide guidance, tips, and general prep.

Open Gym (2 hours)
📅 Sunday, December 29th
🕙 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Get yourself ready for comp with a special 2-hour Open Gym session the week before comp.