
Wall Based Movements


This cat leap involves using a boosted take-off to kickstop followed by dropping into a hanging cat position.

Cat 180

This move starts in a hanging cat position. Begin by performing a dyno/muscle up and bring a foot up as you pull. Use the high foot to kick against the wall. While kicking, turn your body away from the wall and push.


Safety Dismount, Lazy Dismount, Turn Dismount

Dismounts are used to get down from an obstacle. Each dismount is similar to its vault equivalent.


Upward, Downward, Lateral

Dynos are an arm jump. Start in a cat position and begin as you would a muscle up. Reach both hands and grab the next ledge


Finger grip, Over grip, Palm grip

Utilize various grips to hold onto your ledge surface.


Used to stop all forward momentum on a wall by kicking and lightly squatting into the wall.

Muscle Up / Muscle Down

Muscle ups are a technique to get from a hanging cat position to a straight arm cat position. These are primarily used as part of a wall climb technique.

Muscle downs are the reverse: straight arm cat to a hanging cat. Used to lower yourself down a wall for an easier drop.


A shimmy is an arm traverse around obstacles. This can be done in a cat hang or straight arm cat.

Tacs / Moon Step

Tacs (upward tacs). Lateral Tacs. Moon Steps.

Tacs involve pushing (kicking) against an obstacle to redirect your momentum to gain upward movement.


Safety topout & Kong topout

Topouts involve mounting the top of an obstacle while your feet are unable to touch the ground from your starting position.

Wall Climb

A wall climb uses a variety of techniques to get on top of a wall. The techniques used may include: tac, cat, muscle up, and top-out.

Other Movements